we are all god's abandoned neopets

gay engineering major, tired. she/her, entj 5w6 sxsp sloei
sometimes I draw, sometimes I write, but I usually just complain. my discord is available to mutuals upon request, but you don't have to be a mutual to strike up conversation. all tweets are okay to RT. if we're mutuals, please SB when unfollowing.
I don't blockchain, but I do block pretty liberally. If you think I blocked you in error, feel free to let me know.
I love my cats more than life itself.
before you follow
for the most part idrc who follows me. if you like it here, cool. but there are some things I should put on the table.
> I'm leftist, and don't tolerate any alt-right/fascist or otherwise bigoted bullshit. Fuck off.
> I'm pro-LGBT, and that includes the T. I don't tolerate "gender-critical" or bioessentialist rhetoric, much less blatant LGBT-phobia.
> I'm pro-ship. Responsible enjoyment of problematic fiction does not equate to endorsement. If this is a problem, you're free to block.
twitter tagging sucks complete ass but let me know if you want me to tag anything in particular to the best of my ability, or keep it to priv.
shin megami tensei (active)
faves: tatsuya suou, jun kurosu, maya amano, naoya minegishi
otps: kazuya/naoya, tatsuya/jun, tatsuya/maya
fire emblem (semi-active)
faves: edelgard, rhea, azura, celica, micaiah, soren
otps: rhea/edelgard, f!corrin/azura, zelgius/micaiah, catherine/shamir, dimitri/dedue, ike/soren
kingdom hearts (semi-active)
faves: xigbar, xemnas
otps: MoM/xigbar, MoM/luxu, xemnas/aqua, elrena/strelitzia, xehanort/eraqus
niergard (semi-active)
faves: zero, weiss, kaine
otps: zero/accord, dad!nier/weiss, caim/angelus
fullmetal alchemist (semi-active)
faves: greed is my fave but I love everyone
otps: greed/ling/lan fan, roy/riza
final fantasy (semi-active)
faves: kuja, edea lee, terra branford, vivi, oerba yun fang
otps: kuja/terra, fang/vanille, alternis/edea
house in fata morgana (semi-active)
faves: morgana, michel
otps: michel/giselle, jacopo/morgana
dragon ball (semi-active)
faves: frieza, beerus, whis, zamasu, goku black, android 17, android 18
otps: goku/frieza, whis/beerus, kale/caulifla, goku black/zamasu
revolutionary girl utena (semi-active)
faves: anthy himemiya
otps: utena/anthy, juri/shiori
hunter x hunter (dormant)
faves: kurapika is my fave but I love everyone
otps: killua/gon, meruem/komugi
hatoful boyfriend (semi-active)
faves: shuu iwamine, hitori uzune, nageki fujishiro
otps: shuu/hitori
umineko (semi-active)
faves: eva ushiromiya
otps: battler/beatrice
inuyasha (semi-active)
faves: kikyou, sango, naraku
otps: naraku/kikyou, kikyou/kagura, kikyou/kagome, kagome/sango
jojo's bizarre adventure (semi-active)
faves: vinegar doppio, diavolo, rohan kishibe, jolyne kujo, yoshikage kira (4 and 8)
otps: jonathan/dio, jolyne/foo fighters, dio/pucci, kira/josefumi, mista/trish
professor layton (dormant)
faves: jean descole, hershel layton, flora reinhold
otps: layton/descole
yu-gi-oh (active)
faves: vector, sora, ai
ships: vector/yuma, ai/yusaku, shark/rio, zarc/rei
bleach (dormant)
faves: yoruichi shihouin, tia harribel, nelliel tu odelschwanck
otps: nel/nnoitra, yoruichi/soi fon
naruto (dormant)
faves: madara uchiha
otps: sakura/ino, madara/hashirama
homestuck (dormant)
faves: rose lalonde, dirk strider, dave strider, vriska serket
otps: NONE can you fucking believe it
zero escape (dormant)
faves: akane kurashiki
otps: junpei/akane
evangelion (dormant)
faves: asuka langley sohryuu, misato katsuragi
otps: asuka/shinji
avatar (dormant)
faves: azula, zuko, kuvira
ships: korra/kuvira, noatak/tarrlok
undertale (dormant)
faves: asriel, mettaton
otps: frisk/asriel, chara/asriel
danganronpa (dormant)
faves: junko enoshima, ikusaba mukuro, juzo sakakura, nagito komaeda
otps: naegi/mukuro, junko/mukuro